Not to worry, I have your back! The Simply Recipes archives are packed with fun regional recipes from all corners of the U.S. Queue up your driving playlist and join us as we cruise via food from Maryland (crab cakes) to South Carolina (chicken with mustard BBQ sauce), to Miami (Cuban sandwiches) to Texas (chilaquiles), and then hang a sharp turn north to the Ohio River Valley for a totally unique chili (Cincinnati chili). You may be familiar with some of these; others might be totally new to you. Whatever the case, we hope one of these dinners will join your household’s regular rotation and that you’ll be able to enjoy it someday straight from the source.

New to Meal Planning? Start here! 10 Things to Know If You’re a First-Time Meal Planner Looking for Last Week’s Meal Plan? Here you go! (Plus, all past meal plans!)