I love them grilled, roasted, baked in to a frittata, or made into soup. But if I’m honest with you, the method I use most often to cook asparagus is to shallow boil them on the stovetop. What’s shallow boiling (or shallow poaching)? It’s is sort of a cross between boiling and steaming. You don’t use much water, so it hardly takes any time for the water to heat to a boil. You don’t have to submerge the asparagus completely in the water. If the water doesn’t cover the asparagus, use a lid to cover the pan to capture the heat of the steam. You can season the water with salt, garlic, herbs, or lemon zest. I usually use a large pinch of salt, a unpeeled garlic clove cut in half, and a strip of lemon zest. You could add some thyme, oregano, or bay leaf, or just skip the seasoning and use plain water (I do recommend adding salt at least). You can of course use more water if you want, it just takes longer for the water to heat up, and any flavoring agents you add will not be as concentrated. That said, if you already have a pot of boiling water going, for example for pasta dish that will be using the asparagus, you can easily boil the asparagus in that.

How Long Should You Cook Asparagus?

How long you cook the asparagus depends on their size and how old they are. Skinny asparagus spears will cook up in only a minute or two. Your average asparagus will take about 5 minutes. Large asparagus can take 6 to 7 minutes, and if they are a bit old and tough, even longer.

How to Keep Cooked Asparagus Vibrant Green

Cook the asparagus no longer than 6 minutes, then rinse them with cool water for a few seconds to stop the cooking. Vegetables will go from vibrant green to olive green at about the 7 minute mark of cooking. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil or butter to serve.