So I decided to riff off standard cole slaw, only using nothing but shredded root vegetables, dressed with a parsley vinaigrette. The combination works great, and this recipe has definitely earned a place in my lineup. The trick to this salad is to use a coarse grater or a vegetable peeler to make it. I like using the peeler because you can get prettier shavings and you can deal with long, skinny roots like parsnips or carrots better with the peeler. Fatter roots, like celery root, are better shredded with a grater. Either works. As for the vinaigrette, parsley goes well with all of these roots, but you can use other herbs, too. Mint is a good choice, as would rosemary or sage. You might even try cilantro. Drizzle in the olive oil slowly. When it is all in, move the blender to its highest setting and puree for about 90 seconds. Using a vegetable peeler or a coarse grater, slice shreds off the vegetables into a bowl. Try to keep the shreds roughly the same length if you can.