Summer in a bottle! I found I had an abundance of strawberries that were just at the peak of ripeness.  One more day and they would have been squishy.  So rather than make the family eat strawberries for every meal I decided turn them into strawberry sauce. Now we’ve been eating strawberry sauce with everything!!

The directions are super-simple.  Boil up some chopped strawberries, water and sugar for 5 minutes, then push through a sieve. That’s it, you have your simple strawberry sauce. If you like your sauce to be clearer - like a strawberry syrup- then it takes a little more time and effort.  You’d need to skim the scum off the top of the pan whilst the strawberries are cooking, then strain the sauce through a cheesecloth without squeezing.  It takes longer for the liquid to come through, but the result is pretty. Also, if you like your sauce to be thicker, just gently boil up the sieved or strained liquid for another 15-30 minutes.  It will thicken as it boils, and then will thicken a little further once it’s cooled.

Personally I was after something really quick and easy, and it tastes amazing! Serve it on ice cream, pancakes or French toast.  You could even swirl it through homemade ice-cream (just wait for my strawberry shortbread ice cream recipe - coming up soon!), or use it to make popsicles (another one coming up soon). I haven’t ventured into using it for savoury food yet, but I bet it would be great mixed with a little balsamic as a salad dressing. How would you use yours?

The Homemade simple strawberry sauce Recipe:

Simple Strawberry Sauce - 73Simple Strawberry Sauce - 33Simple Strawberry Sauce - 75Simple Strawberry Sauce - 23Simple Strawberry Sauce - 85Simple Strawberry Sauce - 39